MUNDIAEREO proudly presents:
The 1967 Cessna 177 Cardinal is considered a significant aircraft because it was the first production model with a laminar flow wing. This type of wing design reduces drag and increases lift, resulting in improved fuel efficiency and higher speeds compared to traditional wing designs. The Cardinal was also designed with a modern aesthetic, featuring a sleek and futuristic look, which helped to distinguish it from other aircraft of its time. Additionally, the Cardinal was equipped with a larger cabin than previous Cessna models, providing more space for passengers and baggage. These features made the 1967 Cessna 177 Cardinal a popular choice for private pilots and helped to establish it as an iconic aircraft in aviation history.
1967 Cessna 177 Cardinal

Total Time Since New:
Total Time Since New: TBO:
Time Since Overhaul: Time Remaining:
Date of Overhaul:
3641 Hours
Lycoming 0-360-A1A
3641 Hours 2000 Hours 431 Hours 1569 Hours 17-10-2002
Hartzell HC-C2YK-1 BF
Time Since New: Time Since Overhaul: Date of Overhaul:
Item Comm/Nav VHF
Transponder Auto Pilot
Beige Leather
White with Red Accents