The 1969 Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche is a popular twin-engine aircraft that was produced by Piper Aircraft from 1963 to 1972. The Twin Comanche is well-regarded for its performance, reliability, and versatility, and it remains a popular choice for pilots and aircraft owners today.
One of the features that makes the 1969 model of the Twin Comanche special is its advanced avionics package. This model was equipped with the Piper Altimatic IIIC autopilot system, which was one of the most advanced autopilots available at the time. The system included a flight director, altitude hold, and heading hold functions, which allowed pilots to fly the aircraft more safely and efficiently.
In addition to its advanced avionics, the 1969 Twin Comanche was also designed to be faster and more efficient than earlier models. It was equipped with two 160-horsepower Lycoming O-320 engines, which gave it a top speed of around 200 miles per hour and a range of over 1,000 miles.
1969 Piper PA-30
Twin Comanche

Total Time Since New: 4425.2 Hours
I Engine Details Lycoming 10-320-B1A
Engine Side Left Right
Time Since Factory Overhaul 670.0 814.0
Year of Factory Overhaul 2002 2001
Propeller Details Hartzell HC-E2YL-72
Propeller Side Left Right
Time Since Overhaul 10.0 10.0
Date of Overhaul 27 Mar 2018 27 Mar 2018
King KMA24 Audio Panel King KY92 Corn
King KN64 DME King GPS 100
Century IIB Auto Pilot
King KX155 Nav/Com King KR87 ADF
King KT76 Transponder Garmin GPS 150 Shadin Micro-flo
Gami Fuel Injectors
Shadin Micro-flo Fuel Flow Door Seal Pump
Alternator Mod
Twin Comanche Speed Mod Century IIB Auto Pilot
Insight Avionics Strike Finder