MUNDIAEREO proudly presents:

The 1974 Cessna A188B is a popular agricultural aircraft that offers several features that make it a desirable option for buyers. This aircraft is known for its versatility and durability, with the ability to perform a wide range of tasks, including crop dusting, spraying, and aerial seeding. The A188B is equipped with a powerful Continental IO-520-D engine that provides excellent performance and reliability. Additionally, this aircraft has a rugged airframe and landing gear that can handle rough terrain and short, unimproved runways. The A188B has a spacious and comfortable cockpit with excellent visibility, making it easier for pilots to perform their tasks safely and efficiently. It also has a range of up to 650 nautical miles and a cruising speed of up to 145 knots, depending on the configuration. Its combination of versatility, durability, and performance make it a popular option for anyone seeking a high-quality agricultural aircraft.



1974 CESSNA A188B

Serial Number C18801720T
Registration HK-1620


7.188:12 Total Hours


Engine /Make/Model:
Serial Number: 563742
Model IO-520D
4992.20 SINCE NEW
Engine TBO: 1200




Prop /Make/Model:
Prop Manufacturer Mc. CAULEY
Prop Serial Number: 750714
Prop Model D2A34C98-NP
3136.50 SINCE NEW
Prop TBO: 1200

AVIONICS: All analog instruments

Exterior: Overall White with gold Stripes. The general condition is very good.

Interior: Numbers of seats is 1. The general condition is very good.

Inspection/MX Status: All inspections ok and up to date.

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