The Beechcraft Baron 58 is a popular twin-engine piston aircraft that was first introduced in 1960. The 1977 model year of the Baron 58 introduced several improvements and upgrades over earlier versions, including a longer fuselage that provided more interior space, increased fuel capacity for longer range, and improved avionics and electrical systems.

One notable feature of the 1977 Beechcraft Baron 58 is its performance. It has a cruising speed of around 200 knots (230 mph) and a range of over 1,300 nautical miles, which makes it suitable for both short and medium-range flights. It is also known for its versatility, as it can operate from a variety of runways, including shorter ones that are not accessible to larger aircraft.


Total Time Since New: 3611 Hours

Engine Details

Engine Make and Model: Continental I0-520-CB

Left Right

Time Since Overhaul: 454.7 Hours 219.7 Hours

Time Between Overhauls: 1700 Hours 1700 Hours

Time Remaining: 1245 Hours 1480 Hours

Propeller Details

Make and Model: 3 Blade Hartzell – PHC-J3YF-2UF

Left Right

Time Since Overhaul: 516.1 Hours 516.1 Hours

Time Since Mid-Life: 192 Hours 192 Hours


All New Beautiful Custom Interior Done In 2018:

Cream Leather Seats, Cream & Dark Brown Combo Leather Sidewalls, Matching Vinyl Hood Liner & Window Trim Over Plastics,

Beige Wool Blend Carpet, Black Vinyl Visor.



Audio Panel: GPS/NAV/COM #1: GPS/NAV/COM#2: Transponder: Autopilot:

Garmin GMA 340
Garmin GNS 430W (GNSS Approved) Bendix/King KX155
Bendix/King KT76A Century IV Autopilot Bendix Color Radar Bendix/King KN64 Bendix/King KR87 Kannad 406 MHz

Additional Equipment:
Yaw Damper
Mid Continent MD41 GPS Annunciator Shadin Fuel Flow System
Davtron M8800 Control Wheel Clock Electric Trim Switch
Dual Yokes
Propeller Unfeathering Accumulators Static Wicks
Avionics Master Switch
Six-place Intercom
Polished Spinners
New Door Seals All Round (Dec 2018) Executive Writing Table
iPad Hands Free Window Suction Mount

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