MUNDIAEREO proudly presents:
A light twin-engine aircraft manufactured by Fairchild Aircraft. This eight-seat, low-wing monoplane was designed for personal and business aviation purposes. Powered by two Garrett TPE331 turboprop engines, the Merlin IIIA offers impressive performance capabilities. It could cruise at speeds of up to 300 knots (555 km/h) and had a range of over 1,000 nautical miles (1,850 km), making it suitable for longer-range flights. The aircraft features a spacious and comfortable cabin with club-style seating arrangements. Its design emphasizes ease of handling, with advanced avionics and instrumentation that made it popular among private pilots and small aviation companies. The Fairchild Merlin IIIA left a lasting impact on the general aviation market, known for its combination of speed, range, and comfort.
Serial Number T-286
Registration N505GM