MUNDIAEREO proudly presents:
The Cessna 402C is a light twin-engine aircraft that was designed and built by Cessna Aircraft Company. It was first introduced in 1978 as an upgraded version of the Cessna 402B, which was itself a development of the Cessna 402.
One of the most significant features of the 402C is its ability to operate in a variety of roles, including executive transport, commuter airline service, cargo transport, and air ambulance operations. It has a maximum seating capacity of nine passengers and a range of up to 1,285 nautical miles, depending on its configuration and payload.
Another notable feature of the Cessna 402C is its reliable and efficient performance. It is powered by two 300-horsepower Continental engines, which provide a cruising speed of 210 knots and a maximum altitude of 25,000 feet. The aircraft also has a low operating cost, making it a popular choice for small commercial operators and private owners alike.
Total Time Since New: 6472 Hours
Time Since New: Time Since Overhaul: Time Remaining : Date of Overhaul:
TSIO 520VB Continental
Left Right
1600 Hours 1600 Hours
2720.4 Hours 6472.8 Hours
1003.8 Hours 1003.8 Hours
596.2 Hours 596.2 Hours
18/12/2002 18/12/2002
Propeller McCauley 3AF32C505
Time Since Midlife: Time Since Overhaul: Time Remaining:
Aircraft Features Left Right
2000 Hours 2000 Hours
72.2 Hours 72.2 Hours
183.9 Hours 183.9 Hours
1816.1 Hours 1816.1 Hours
Air conditioning System: Fully ducted to each seat
Cabin heating system: Fully ducted to entire cabin
Flap enhancement Systems: Robertson’s STOL Fully Integrated wing and fowler flap
Audio Panel 1 Bendix King KMA 24
Comm 1 Bendix King KY 196
Nav/Comm 1 Bendix King KY 156
R Nov 1 Bendix King KNS 81
Transponder 2 Bendix King KT76
Auto Pilot 1 S Tec 55X
GPS 1 Garmin 155XL
ADF 2 Bendix King KR87A
Weather Radar 1 Bendix King Colour radar
ELT 1 Artex G406-4
Interior Refurbished in 2014
Seating: Tan-color imported Italian leather upholstery with armrest and headrests Executive tables: 2x Walnut wood paneled, with cup holders.
Heat shields: Full set of custom heat shields for all windows.
Carpeting: Oatmeal-colored fireproof wool carpets and plastic-covered second set of carpets Bar: Walnut wood paneled and fully curtained system for privacy Entertainment System: JVC remote-controlled CD System