MUNDIAEREO proudly presents:
Pilatus Aircraft is known for producing high-quality turboprop and jet aircraft with exceptional performance, durability, and versatility. One of their most successful models is the Pilatus PC-12, which first flew in 1991 and is still in production today. The PC-12 is a single-engine turboprop aircraft that can carry up to 10 passengers and fly at a maximum speed of 285 knots. It is known for its excellent short-field performance, making it well-suited for operations in remote and challenging environments. The PC-12 is also highly versatile, with options for cargo, medevac, and executive configurations. Its reliability, efficiency, and versatility have made it a popular choice for a wide range of operators, including regional airlines, corporations, and government agencies.


Total Time Since New: 13569.1 Hours

Total Cycles Since New: 14249 Cycles

Engines Pratt & Whitney PT6A-67B

Total Time Since New: 8278.0 Hours 

Total Cycles Since New: 425.0 Hours


Total Time Since New: 11571.8 Hours

Total Cycles Since New: 1331.1Hours


Dual Garmin G600TXi Screens – Jeppesen Chart view integrated with G600 touchscreen

Garmin GNS 530 GPS/COM/NAV Garmin GNS 430 GPS/COM/NAV Garmin GTX 330 Transponder Garmin GTX 327 Transponder Garmin GMA 340 Audio Panel

Skywatch TRC 899 integrated Traffic Collision Avoidance

Apollo MX20 Multi Function Display Bendix King KFC 325 Autopilot Bendix King RDR 200 Weather Radar L3 ESI Standby instrument

Kannad 406 ELT

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