The 2010 Cirrus SR22 G3 GTS is a high-performance, single-engine, four-seat aircraft known for its advanced avionics and safety features. Here are some of its key features that make it a popular choice among pilots:

Advanced avionics: The SR22 G3 GTS is equipped with the Garmin Perspective avionics suite, which includes a fully-integrated autopilot system, synthetic vision technology, and an advanced flight management system. This provides pilots with a comprehensive and intuitive way to manage navigation, communications, and flight information.

Safety features: The SR22 G3 GTS has a number of advanced safety features, including a Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS) that can deploy in case of an emergency, a built-in terrain warning system, and advanced autopilot capabilities that can help avoid dangerous situations.


Total Time Since New: 1009.5 Hours

Engines Continental 10-550



Time Since New: Time Since Overhaul: Time Remaining: Date of Overhaul:


2000 Hours 1009.5 Hours NA

990.5 Hours NA


Propeller Hartzell PHC-J3YF-1RF

TBO: 2400 Hrs / 6 Years

Time Since New: 1009.5 Hours

Time Since Overhaul: 373.0 Hours

Time Remaining: 2027.0 Hours


Garmin Cirrus Perspective package including

GPS/COMM/NAV on 12″ Pilot Flight Display / Multi-Function Display


Audio Panel Transponder Auto Pilot

Traffic Awareness Storm Scope


Garmin Garmin Garmin Garmin L-3 Avionics


GMA 347 GTX-33 Mode S GFC 700 GTS-800



Air Conditioning

Pilot & Co-Pilot Airbag Seat Belts Composite Prop

406 MHz ELT

Tinted Windows Fresh MPI

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